How Tides Affect Fishing
Fishing may appear to be straightforward, but there are a number of things that might influence how many fish you catch. The moon and tides have long been a topic of discussion among anglers, as it is well known that the moon has an impact on sea levels.
The moon, and tides impact fishing since there are certain tidal situations when fish are more active than others. Continue reading to learn more about how the moon and tides are linked to fishing conditions, and how you might use the knowledge of them to better your chances at reeling in a nice fish.
Do Tides Really Affect Fishing?
Many anglers use information about tides when they decide when and where to fish.
It’s quite common to find a lot of people fishing around high tide, as that’s when many fish start feeding.
The moon is what causes our tides, and there are various lunar phases that fishermen pay attention to in order to catch more fish.
The moon’s gravitational pull causes tidal forces, pulling at the oceans’ waters and causing it to bulge both nearest to the moon and at the side of the earth opposite to it. This shifting of water level results in high and low tides. The earth spins throughout the day, thus high and low tides occur throughout the day over the entire planet.
Solunar theory, which claims that wildlife is more active during specific moon phases, goes back to the 1920s. Solunar fishing is a type of fishing where anglers use calendars and tide tables to follow the phases of the moon throughout the day, month, and year to increase their catch.
These days, their are many smartphone apps available with precise solunar information. Download one, and give it a try!
Lunar Fishing Periods on a Daily Basis
There are four lunar periods in a single day, divided into two major and two minor phases.
The major phases, which last about 2 hours each, begin at the “lunar transit” when the moon is directly above, and also when it’s on the direct opposite side of the earth. Minor periods, also known as opposite lunar transit, last about one hour when the moon rises and sets.
Because fish are most active during these times, they are the most popular times to fish. While having more active fish does not ensure a better catch, it does boost your chances.
Lunar Fishing Phases on a Monthly Basis
Monthly moon phases, like daily moon phases, are something that fisherman keep an eye on.
The stages are as follows:

The new moon and full moon phases see the highest tides. The new moon is generally the best period for fishing.
Spring tides occur during the new moon and full moon periods, and are the strongest. Neap tides occur in the first and third quarters, and are the weakest.
These are general rules of thumb. Your fishing may also be influenced by your location, environment, and the sort of fish you’re after.
The Study of Fishing, the Moon, and Tides
While many experienced anglers have had varied results, there are studies to support the solunar theory, which states that the moon has an impact on animals, including fish.
Yellowfin tuna, dolphin fish, and shortfin mako shark were caught the most during the first quarter, blue shark were caught the most during the new moon, and black marlin were caught the most between the full moon and the final quarter.
Overall, most studies show a strong link between moon phases and greater tides, with stronger tides enhancing many fishers’ catch rates.
Solunar Charts
Solunar charts were created when it was hypothesized that wildlife reacts to lunar phases.
Solunar charts, graphs, and calendars are now accessible for finding peak fishing times.
There are smartphone apps that keep track of daily changes.
Final Thoughts
Why not give solunar fishing information a try?
Keep an eye out for new and full moons, since these produce the greatest tides. Catch ’em up!
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