How to Drop Shot for Halibut and Flounder
Drop Shot fishing works great for halibut and flounder! These flat fish live on the bottom, and ambush their prey, so getting your bait just off the bottom is necessary to catch them. You can use this technique in bays, off of jetties, in the surf, or just about anywhere halibut or flounder are around .
Setting up your Drop Shot Rig
Tie a worm hook (pointy end up toward the main line) about 10″ up from the sinker end of the leader. Put a soft lure, such as a paddletail, on the hook, then tie a 1 to 2 ounce finesse sinker to the terminal end of the line.
How to Fish the Drop Shot Rig
After you find a place where you suspect there are halibut, or flounder, cast out. If you’re using a grub type lure, use a slow, straight retrieve. If you’re using a paddletail, of jerkbait, use the “twitch, twitch, pause” retrieval method.
Check out this guy catching halibut in the surf in California, using a modified drop shot rig. Cool video with a lot of helpful hints.
It’s that simple! Good luck, and Tight Lines!
For more information see our Drop Shot Rig Guide for Beginners .